Property Amenities
Did we mention how convenient it is to live at Sycamore Lane Apartments? Well, besides location, location, location, we also offer our residents some pretty great amenities right here in our community.
In-Unit Amenities
Walk-in Closets
Central Heat & Air
Washer & Dryer in all units
Dishwasher, Refrigerator, Gas Stove, and Built-in Microwave Oven
Cats allowed, two maximum with deposit
Common Space Amenities
Swimming Pool
24-Hour Study Lounge
Free Printing for Residents
Free WiFi in Study Lounge
Free Coffee Available 24 Hours
BBQ Courtyard
24-Hour Fitness Room
EV charging stations
Other Amenities
M-F, 9-5pm Package & Parcel Service
24-Hour Emergency Contact
Quick Maintenance Service
Safety & Security
Sycamore Lane Apartments has taken measures to keep our community safe, including the following:
After hours on-call emergency services.
There is a texting system in place which can transmit important security information in the event of an emergency or just to keep our residents informed about the goings on around them.
Our property is well maintained, well lit, and every apartment has its own outside light.
Lead Star Private Security patrolling 7 days a week, 3 times a night.
Multiple security cameras throughout the complex recording 24/7
It is reassuring to know that Davis and Sycamore Lane Apartments have been and continue to be a safe environment in which to live. Nevertheless, we take nothing for granted when it comes to the safety of our residents.